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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The hols are here!
Yea... they were here last wk alr
Today I super free
Actually I'm not supopose to be
I shld be lyk reading and packing now bt ya... lazy
So I'm playing com
which is bad for my eyes
sad thing that the things u enjoy doing are bad in some ways
Anw, went jogging today
I think we spent most of the time playing with the cat
It was lyk every single round we'd stop and look at it
and take picture
so yup
hope I still loose some fats
cuz I ate bk yesterday
and bbq food on mon
and long John silvers on sat
My unhealthy diet...
Kay, I'm gopnna shut down this com aft this post
and do my work
I mean it!
Byebye computer
I shan't get distracted by u anymore!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Arghh... last day of school... so sad:(
I wish there was still school
this is insane, but yes,
school seems to end so fast
I feel lyk its still mid-year
I'm not gonna be sec 2 anymore...
byebye sec2!!! :(
Last day ... I'm gonna miss everyone
My last day of school didn't go well
cuz the school 偏偏 give back results today
spoil the "joyous" mood
cuz we were going out today
My results drop a lot --
super lot
I think its geog that pull me down
so sad:(
That lousy grade is lyk trapped on my result slip
:( The most disappointing thing is that
geog is one of the subj that I studied the hardest for
I think its gonna be one of the very few times
or last time that I'm ever gonna see my friends again
Then Marilyn and Shu Shan buy shoe for me
will always rmb u ppl :D
Hope we can still keep in touch!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

♪ Lalala ♪

Finished with piano pract
Yay, I feel more relaxed ;D
Lady examiner
She was quite nice actually:)
I played G sharp melodic major instead of G sharp melodic minor
There's no such thing as G sharp melodic major at all!!!
I dunno how I came up with it
guess I was nervous ><
The piano keys were hard
Harder than my house one which were alr hard
So I pressed my first note of the first key,
of the whole exam...
First note first impression.
Piano key too hard:(
No sound came out cuz I pressed too soft
Arghh... nvm
They were ok,
at least I didn't stop in btw or get lost lyl da previous exam,
Maybe a little uneveness, that's all...
Third piece was the best,
I think :?:
I D flat as D sharp
I keep making that mistake,
even before the exam
Then, I paused a little too much
cuz I had to register da notes in my head
I dunno if I answered da q correctly.
For da singing part I anyhow sang da back part
cuz I forgot...
Da right hand melody kept getting into my head.
So its over
Hope for a distinction

Seriously Hoping...

I Learnt To Close The Windows When A Cockroach Flew Onto My Bed

Horrid thing:( Now I dunlyk cockroaches...
Ok, so I took da killing cockroach thingy and sprayed lyk mad
Disgusting, pollute my bedsheet and duckies:( and
maybe my sci file, cuz I left it on da bed...
Yuck yuck yuck!!!
Then I had to sweep it up and dump it in da rubbish chute.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3rd day of da very short hols...
immediately got testS aft that.
so sad:( still havn't finish 议论文...
dunno how to write.
Kay I'm still revising trigo cuz I dun quite get it.
Then that website keeps logging me out...
Waste time, make me log in again and again.
I feel like playing the piano,
dunno why.
I just printed out new score..., yay! :D
I never really use the new book I bought
but nvm:)
Yesterday I go exam studio to practice.
My shoe couldn't really work,
can only faintly hear the banging cuz the floor is carpeted.
I still dun get their piano feel
how how how???
Okay, I better revise Maths...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My blog's dead...
no time to blog liao:(
next tues got sci ca and I havn't study finish
Piano exam coming... so fast and too soon
Didn't expect it to be nearing
Anw, wad happened today...
Same as all boring thursdays
we had lesson
Bt it was exceptional cuz some students came from 郑州 to watch our lessons
they only stayed for 2 periods.
Oh, ya its racial harmony wk
Havn't fill up da card yet
tmr nd quickly play all da games:)
kay, tmr's gonna be a long day
So I will chiong finish all hw today
including D n T which will take ultra long
Kay, maybe I won't do da model making part today
I havn't even got da materials.
Ok, gotta go now...
byebye!!! <3

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back from atc.
Kay, actually I was back yesterday,
cuz something happened to my leg.
Can't really remember...
It was lyk we were testing out our life jackets,
then as we were walking out of the sea,
I felt this wierd stinging thing
ya, then it was super duper pain.
And scary cuz I could probably die or smething lyk that.
Then it was so embarrassing
So I left halfway.
Very sad:( I feel lyk I 半途而废
I wish kayaking was one of da l8r activities.
Nvm, anyway, I'll be gone tmr.
yay! at least something to look forward to.
Bt bad news, I did da last year hol hw instead of this year one.
I just found out today!
Waste time...arghhh
I could use that time to do so many other things]
Now I'll type bout happy stuff instead of sad ones.
Alright, so this morning I was still sad
then I was randomly playing about with my piano.
Then suddenly I "invented" a song... and it sounded quite nice...
One of the nicest ones I ever "invented" to me.
I feel lyk I'm talking bout useless stuff
but that's probably da happiest thing that happened today.
Cuz now I have to limp about and that's sad
Kay end of post,
cuz if I blog more tis whole post will be filled with sad stuff
so byebye

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Very long nvr blog alr...
I thought that da hols would give me more free time
bt until now I still havn't finish all da hw
especially da books
da eng book very hard to understand.
The author used all da difficult words that I dun even get da meaning
I'm not even to half of it yet:(
now doing geog,
which is kind of better than eng
cuz at least I understand.
Flying away soon,
Bt first I got atc
dunno if it'll be more on da "a" or "t"
hope its not too much "t"
now still got fever.
If I dun recover by da day aft tmr then

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finally back from China!
Can feel da S'pore weather again.
It was super cold in da morning and night in China...
Wanted to blog yesterday bt got no time.
Kay, yesterday was super tired cuz I couldn't sleep in da plane.
Everytime it bumped then I would wake up
so when I came home I was so tired that though I didn't plan to sleep I slept for bout 5h
yea, so I wasted 5h of my life.
Coming back from China could be a gd or bad thing.
So here's to naming out da pros and cons......


1) I get to see Duckies
2) I can play my piano which I havn't touched for 9 days
3) I can lie on my comfy bed
4) I can eat 'S'pore food' again


1) I miss da hotel
2) Have to do work at home again
3) Back to normal life
4) I miss my buddy

Ok, done.... so da negative ang positive sides are equal
so i dunno which one I should side.
Nvm, since I'm alr in S'pore.
So sad, I use finish all my $ so I couldn't buy wad I lyk.
Thinking of getting a job this hols...
and I dun wanna to go to atc:(
now I wish I was back in China...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

MYE has ended... finally
But now I feel wierd,
its lyk i've been studying for da past few days and noe i can slack to my heart's content.
I've ended my suffering... and so have have u -- Cookie
It was so soon.... I didn't expect u to go so fast.
I dunno shld I be feeling.
Is it right to feel sad or relieved.
Cuz I feel a mixture of both.
I feel better to see that ure not suffering anymore.
I didn't noe how u were feeling then.
I think its my fault for not taking gd care of u,
U wouldn't have left so easily then.
Cookies-and-Cream won't be da same without cookie:(
Anw, all da stress is gone out of me.
Wad a relieve I'm nvr taking hist again.
Seriously, I dunno how long i could take it...
its hard to comprehend.
I'm worried for chi and sci,
I totally dun care bout hist... da feeling where I dun care if I fail.
I totally give up on it.
But that's ok... now I can relax again:)
I must treasure this wk cuz June hols would be very busy again.



HI,welcome to my ♥blog♥!
My name is ♥right up there!
Dun wanna know its ok
Sweet ♥14♥ this year
Turning 15 on ♥February♥ 2011
Currently studying in ♥AHS
Get yourself flooded with the world of ♥duckies♥!

credits to youtube.com:)


Val n I♥
me n sheryl♥
Shu Shan♥

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